Kary Gillenwaters

Kary Gillenwaters serves as the SOLACE director of support and community engagement as well as a general board member. She is excited to be of service.

Ten years ago, the birth of Kary's first child resulted in her becoming a member of a club no one signs up for or anticipates. At the time, little to no support was available online, health care teams had little experience with serious obstetrical tears, and the lack of understanding and meaningful support made an already difficult life transition even more challenging. But as many of the members of this club have learned, these experiences are more common than we think-it's just that it's all too painful (and sometimes embarrassing) to talk about, so we don't. The silence and isolation that so often follow a severe obstetric laceration exacerbate the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges people face, overnight, not just to their body, but to their roles, their relationships, and their identity.

In many ways, it is the culmination of all her lived and professional experiences that make this work one of the most important roles Kary has taken on to date. Kary believes in the power of tending to relationships and partnering; her experiences personally and professionally strengthen her resolve to advocate for advances in maternal health. Soon after her birthing experience, she had a visceral desire for a “big sister” who understood what she was going through. Now she is that big sister to people all over the world who have experienced the trauma of a 4th degree tear. Because of her lived experience, she understands, she cares, and she considers it a privilege to be in a position to help people who have been through the same thing, to access the support, education, and services they need.