Online Resources

  • Postpartum Support International offers a variety of services to help you and your loved ones navigate the mental health issues that can accompany birth trauma. Their directory of providers will also help you find a trauma certified therapist. Head to their website: PSI offers chats with an expert, peer mentoring programs, help finding local support groups, online support groups, closed facebook groups.
  • HelloLunaJoy offers holistic women's mental health therapy, counseling, and medication management. They have providers that specialize in birth trauma, postpartum depression and anxiety. Their services are covered by most insurance providers. Visit their website at:
  • TalkSpace will match you with a therapist based on your needs. Their counseling services are covered by most insurance plans. Check our their services at:
  • BetterHelp has the largest online therapy services and will match you with a therapist for your specific needs. BetterHelp does not take insurance. The cost of therapy through BetterHelp ranges from $60 to $90 per week (billed every 4 weeks) and it is based on your location, preferences, and therapist availability. Visit their website at:
  • Join the 4th Degree Tear Facebook Support Group This group was created to be a safe place for birthing people who have suffered a 4th degree tear (from vagina to rectum - see below) to share their stories and recovery, and to ask questions. The information in this group is not intended to replace medical advice or help from a mental health professional. Anyone requesting admittance to the group will be asked to answer ALL THREE questions and agree to the group rules before being added to the group. No one will be admitted without responding to those questions first. We will also only allow in “real” profiles. If your profile is new or does not have any public information on it, then it will be ignored. Please understand the sensitivity of the group and why this is necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to message one of the admins. Please visit:
  • Join the Birth Tear Facebook Support Group Welcome! This is a support group strictly for mums/moms who have suffered from severe tearing and/or episiotomies (2nd, 3rd & 4th degree) only. New members will NEED to fill out EACH of the provided questions before being accepted on to the group. If you don't, your request will automatically be declined. This group was set up because there was a lack of support elsewhere. It is a place for comfort & support, regardless of how far down the healing path you are. Please visit:
  • Birth Facts
  • NourishDoc is Holistic Wellness For Middle Aged Women. Get expert-led personalized holistic care from top doctors & health coaches for lasting change.
  • Prolapse Postpartum Moms Club is a group for newly postpartum moms dealing with pelvic organ prolapse.
  • Pelvic Floor Clinical Handouts for Common Postpartum Difficulties is a website is run a PFPT who has had her own struggles with postpartum prolapse. Her website provides clinical handouts, courses regarding specific pelvic floor problems as well as how to return to exercise safely, and recommended products.

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis please contact: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at or call/text 988.