Julie Cantor

Julie D. Cantor is SOLACE's honorary Director of Advocacy. She brings over two decades of experience as an attorney, advocate, and artist to the mission of improving birth and ending violations of civil rights. Dr. Cantor holds undergraduate and master's degrees from Stanford University, a J.D. from Berkeley Law, and an M.D. from the Yale School of Medicine. She was also a visiting student at Yale Law School. For over a decade, she served as a member of the adjunct faculty at the UCLA School of Law where she taught an upper-division seminar on reproductive rights, medical ethics, and the law.

Dr. Cantor speaks and writes about issues that arise at the intersection of medicine and law. Over the past two decades, she has been an invited speaker at universities, medical schools, and conferences across the country, and her writing has appeared in numerous academic journals, including several publications in the New England Journal of Medicine. She is honored to be working with SOLACE to solve a lesser-known but deeply important aspect of the American maternal health crisis.