Physical Health
Optimizing your physical health during pregnancy can help decrease your risk of severe obstetric laceration. A lot of us do not know much about our pelvic floor prior to delivery and therefore have no idea this is something we can strengthen and optimize during pregnancy. We hope that our educational materials and resources such as pelvic floor physical therapist directory can help you enhance the health of your pelvic floor.

The average number of birthing women who sustain a 3rd or 4th degree tear each year.
Per RCOG50%
The number of women with an OASI (obstetric anal sphincter injury) who experience fecal incontinence.
NIH study54%
The number of women who state that their symptoms are unacceptable and cause them to alter their lifestyle.
NIH study64%
The number of women with an OASI who report painful sexual intercourse.
NIH study